Use Weaviate for e-commerce search and replace Algolia

We are a prominent retailer in the Middle East, presently utilizing Algolia for search functionality on our e-commerce websites. We are interested in exploring the possibility of switching to Weaviate as our search solution. If this is feasible, we would like guidance on the required resources, any additional tools, and a method for estimating costs. Additionally, we are keen to understand how to assess the expected performance and quality of Weaviate.

hi @ahmedgehad ! Welcome to our Community!

You can certainly use Weaviate to power your similarity search solution. As you mentioned Algolia, bear in mind that Weaviate is the underlying database for such a solution. So some development and data pipeline will be needed in order to deliver a search bar, a recommendation system, RAG and other AI features for your website.

Regarding costs, from Weaviate side, you can check those here:

Let me know if this helps! And feel free (and invited!) to join our slack channels too and ping me there. Maybe we can schedule a call with our team to better understand how Weaviate can help you.
